Feb 23, 2024

Department of Periodontology celebrated National Periodontist day on the 23rd February 2024 to commerate the formation of the Indian Society of Periodontology in the year 1975.

The Department of Periodontology Yenepoya Dental College, Mangalore, celebrated this day with various activities to raise awareness among general population regarding importance of periodontal health and overall systemic health as well as comprehensive oral health. The program started with brief introduction to day's events by Head of the department Dr. Rajesh K.S., followed by brief introduction about the "SAY NO TO BLEEDING GUM" drive by National ISP coordinator Dr Vinita Boloor.  Principal, Dean and Vice principal were also present along with the heads of the departments and staff and students of Yenepoya Dental college. The Principal of Yenepoya Dental college, Dr Laxmikanth Chatra addressed the public gathered about the importance of oral health   and declared the events for the day open. In this same regard a street play and flash mob were conducted and performed by the post graduates of the department of Periodontology and interns. Along with this we also distributed informative pamphlets and toothpastes to the public  present at the venue.

On the same day an awareness and screening was done to all the patients reporting to the department, as an ongoing process of the 50 days drive.

The Street play concluded at 11:30 a.m and the screening continued in the department for the rest of the day. 

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