Mentor-Mentee Program


  • To help a student to connect with faculty members, set up a healthy relationship between students and faculty members who can become a role model and advocate for the student by offering support and counsel
  • To provide a student the opportunity to share his/her academic needs, goals, and other concerns through scheduled meetings in a comfortable environment
  • To encourage academic excellence, self-esteem, and personal growth of the students.
  • To strengthen the student’s ability to recognize their skills, abilities, and interests, and assist them in analyzing and accomplishing long-term goals.


  • At the beginning of the program, the faculty mentors should try to understand their mentees and ensure that the students adapt to the dynamic learning environment and lead their ways into highly successful careers
  • As years pass, the nature of mentoring should change from familiarization with the environment to a more developmental form.
  • should meet with their students at least once every month during the scheduled time and discuss and guide them with their studies and extra-curricular activities. They should also provide advice relating to the academic progress and personal problems whenever necessary. Additional meetings should be conducted if a need is identified
  • The mentors should maintain a record of the students’ attendance, academic performance and extra-curricular activities, achievements etc.
  • Mentors should maintain documents of the discussion during each mentor mentee meeting in the book provided by the institution.
  • Mentors should submit mentor mentee meeting record book at the time of mentor-mentor coordinator meeting which will be held once a month and get the signature from mentor coordinator. Mentors should present the details of mentees allotted to them during the meeting to mentor coordinators, especially any shortage of attendance, poor performance in exam or grievances if any, in order to initiate action.
  • Mentors should communicate and coordinate with the subjects/class coordinators and parents regarding the progress of the students.
  • Mentors should liaise with fellow faculty and support mentees at the time of difficulty.
  • Mentors should also make appropriate referral to student counselor, if a need is identified.
  • Mentors should take active participation during Parent teacher meet and discuss about the mentees attendance, academic performance to parents


  • Mentor coordinators should ensure that mentor mentee meetings are conducted at least once a month during the scheduled time
  • Mentor coordinators should ensure that mentors are maintaining the mentor mentee meeting record in the book provided
  • Mentor coordinators should conduct meeting of the mentors and discuss the reports from students, verify the report and counter sign the entries
  • Mentor coordinators should prepare a consolidated report of monthly mentor –mentee meeting in the prescribed format and submit to college mentor coordinator on or before 30 th of every month, in order to initiate action
  • In the meeting Mentor coordinators should update the mentors about the action taken for the matters/grievances reported in the previous meeting
  • Mentor coordinators should assist the Mentor College coordinator in arranging for Parent Teacher Student meet and take active participation during the meeting of their allotted batch
  • Mentor coordinators should collect the feedback from students by the end of their academic term and submit a feedback report to Mentor College coordinator.


  • Mentor College coordinator should ensure that the mentorship program is functioning efficiently to meet the objectives defined
  • Mentor College coordinator should ensure all mentors and mentor coordinators discharge their duties promptly and support the students in their needs.
  • Mentor College coordinator should ensure that mentor allotment is done according to the norms before the commencement of academic year
  • Mentor College coordinator has to prepare the schedule of monthly meeting and communicate to mentor coordinators and students
  • Mentor College coordinator should conduct a meeting of Mentor coordinators of each batch and discuss about the reports submitted and matters/grievances reported by students. The action taken on grievances reported during previous meeting must be informed to mentor coordinators
  • Mentor College coordinator should ensure that grievances reported by students are presented to principal and ensure that actions are taken to solve the issues.
  • Mentor College coordinator should make arrangements to conduct for Parent Teacher Student Meet every year and take active participation during the meeting
  • Mentor college coordinator should ensure that mentees feedback is collected from students by the end of their academic term and submit a feedback report to NAAC coordinator
  • Mentor college coordinator should prepare a consolidated report of mentor –mentee meeting in the prescribed format and submit to Chairperson of YU mentorship program once in every 4 months.


  • Mentor allotment – Before beginning of academic year
  • Mentor mentee meetings- Once every month
  • Mentor – Mentor Batch coordinator meetings- Once every month
  • Mentor Batch coordinator and College coordinator meetings- Once every month
  • Mentor College coordinator and Chairperson of YU mentorship program meetings- Once every four months
  • PTS meetings- Once a year( preferably after first internal marks are ready)
  • Feedback collection- Once a year(at the end of academic year)
Fee Structure
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