
1 Year


The development of science and technology in dentistry, the inclusion of newer treatment modalities, demands the dental practitioners to constantly update their knowledge in these modalities to fulfill the treatment needs of the populations they serve. Consequently, specialization in Dentistry has occurred as a natural evolutionary process across several disciplines of the dental profession. However, the competencies for the newer treatment modalities are often provided by the industry rather than the educational institutes. The transition toward specialization and adoption of a newer treatment option often presents the specific disciplines with challenging concerns and issues. Creative solutions to these concerns will strengthen the integrity and cohesiveness of the profession. This fellowship program is aimed at providing the dental practitioner a through, systematic and logical exposure to implant dentistry and to provide clinical knowledge and skills of the highest level. Assisted by a very favorable staff-student ratio, where the relationship between student and mentor is direct and highly personalized.


The Implant training program is designed for fresh dental graduates as well as post graduates who wish to expand their treatment capabilities to include treatment planning for dental Implants, placement and restoration of dental implants. This comprehensive surgical and prosthetic Implant training program focuses on implant placement into healed as well as immediate extraction sites and prosthetic. The advanced graduate level program will include all important aspects of advance implant dentistry: diagnosis and surgical and prosthetic treatment planning in implant dentistry, understanding of surgical protocols and prosthetic protocols, long-term maintenance, and prevention and management of implant complications.

The clinical training in this area of specialization is still not included in the curriculum of undergraduate programs; therefore this course is aimed to help the graduate to learn the clinical skills needed to integrate oral implant as an option for the provision of restorative solutions for single or partial missing teeth. The training also helps the student to think critically and to make informed decisions from evidence-based research.


Minimum qualification of B.D.S or equivalent from a recognized Institution in India or Overseas. Participants who have completed the Basic Implantology course, may continue as a fellowship participants from the 2nd semester by paying an additional fee (Based on the availability of the seats)


  • To provide the participants a through systematic and logical exposure to implant dentistry.
  • To help the participants to effectively incorporate implant dentistry into their dental practice.
  • Rational creation of overall treatment plans in relation to implant dentistry.
  • To provide a program based on realities of private practice and not just theoretical aspects.
  • To provide a skill oriented interactive sessions on laboratory and surgical phases.

Course Outcome

A student upon successfully qualifying and completing the Fellowship program in oral Implantology should have acquired both theoretical knowledge and clinical skill in the following competencies and must be able to:

  • To diagnose and develop a treatment plan for complete and partially edentulous patients.
  • To interpret imaging modalities such as CBCT and CT and use them for diagnosis, treatment planning and to measure treatment outcomes.
  • To perform implant surgery and implant placement in simple and advanced classification cases; and additional soft and hard tissues surgical procedures related to implant dentistry.
  • To Perform temporization procedures.
  • Fabricate single implant restorations, multiple unit fixed restorations, fixed detachable restorations, and an implant supported overdenture.
  • Diagnose the health of an existing implant fixture and restorations on follow up appointments and understand causes and treatment of peri implant disease and or implant failures.


  • 13 Months
  • 2 Semesters of 6 and half months each
  • The first semester will focus on training the participants in the basic skill in Implantology
  • The Second Semester will focus on imparting training at an advanced skill level.
  • 50 hours of theory in each Semester.
  • 10 hours of hands on training in each semester.
  • One to one clinical training throughout the year.


Must attend all the modules in both the semester and have a minimum of 80 % attendance in each semester.

7. COURSE CONTENT: Online / Offline (Blended Learning)

ONLINE MODE: 1 st Semester

A total of 35 online Learning modules and 35 online Assessment provided by the International teams for Implantology (ITI) Curriculum. The participants will be able to complete these modules and subsequent assessment at their own pace, within a period of 5 months.

1 st Semester : Basic Level Implant Training

CO 1: Biology, Anatomy and Wound Healing in Implant Therapy

Course Specific Outcome:

  1. Gain the foundation knowledge of bone biology, anatomy and wound healing that are the key determinants of predictable success in implant surgery
  2. Learn the concept of osseointegration as it relates to biology, biomaterials and biocompatibility
  3. Understand how the shape, surface geometry and connection interface effects wound healing

CO 2: Diagnosis, Treatment Planning andDocumentation

Course Specific Outcome:

  1. Learn to accurately evaluate the potential implant patient
  2. Learn the techniques to utilize photography to document and diagnose your patient as well as present treatment proposals.
  3. Perform a comprehensive dental, hard and soft tissue examination, including the assessment of local bone deficiencies.
  4. Acquire the knowledge to utilize CBCT to diagnose and virtually treatment plan your implant patient.
  5. Learn how to set-up a successful treatment plan to meet your patient’s objectives. (articulated study casts, wax ups, photos etc)
  6. Understand how to avoid or minimize medico-legal dilemmas in your practice (Consent Form)

CO3: General Implant Surgical / Prosthetic Principals & Therapy

Course Specific Outcome:

  1. Learn the surgical principles and instruments utilized in implant therapy
  2. Learn flap design and management for conventional implant placement
  3. Be able to utilize the different suturing techniques and materials necessary to manage implant surgery
  4. Learn the restorative techniques and components to deliver a conventional fixed implant supported restorations
  5. Learn the occlusal factors that have to be harmonized to achieve a successful and maintainable biomechanical restoration

CO4: Managing Emergencies, Complications & Long-term Maintenance in Implant Therapy

Course Specific Outcome:

  1. Understand the Medical and Dental emergency protocols encountered in implant therapy
  2. Gain the foundation knowledge in Dental Pharmacology
  3. Learn to manage surgical and restorative complications in implant therapy
  4. Learn to identify, prevent and manage peri-implantitis
  5. Develop an understanding for developing a long-term maintenance program in your practice for the implant patient
2 nd Semester Advance Level Implant Training

CO 5: Management of extraction Site in Implant Therapy

Course Specific Outcome:

  1. Understand the biology and characteristics of the extraction site
  2. Identify the key diagnostic criteria in treating the extraction site
  3. Diagnostic tools: CT imaging, surgical guides
  4. Minimally invasive techniques
  5. Extraction site preservation and augmentation
  6. Immediate vs. staged implant placement
  7. Orthodontic therapy for site development
  8. Influence of implant design and components on esthetic outcomes
  9. Provisionalization technique
  10. Restorative material selection

CO 6: Soft Tissue Management: Grafting,Mucogingival & Restorative Considerations

Course Specific Outcome:

  1. Understand the biology of wound healing as it relates to surgical soft tissue manipulation
  2. Learn how to treat muco-gingival defects around teeth and implants to gain attached tissue
  3. Soft tissue augmentation around implants
  4. Papilla preservation and regeneration around implants
  5. Learn how to perform Stage 2 uncovering to optimize peri-implant tissue dimensions.

CO 7: The Posterior Maxilla in Implant Therapy

Course Specific Outcome:

  1. Understand the surgical anatomy of the maxilla and sinus region
  2. Gain insight in optimizing success in sinus augmentation
  3. Learn an atraumatic technique for a crestal approach to sinus elevation
  4. Learn to identify and manage complications related to sinus augmentation
  5. Learn Alternative Therapies to Sinus Grafting for the deficient Posterior Maxilla

CO 8: Implants and the Fully Edentulous Patient

Course Specific Outcome:

  1. Understand the surgical and restorative techniques necessary to manage the fully edentulous implant patient
  2. Understand the Science and Clinical aspects of immediate functional loading
  3. Learn about overdentures and hybrid prosthesis
  4. Learn what is available in CAD/CAM technology and how to apply it to the fully edentulous patient
  5. Understand the principles of All-on-Four and how to treatment plan appropriate cases

CO 9: Advanced Therapies, Bone Augmentation, Growth Factors & Bioengineering

Course Specific Outcome:

  1. Learn the techniques available to manage narrow ridges
  2. Understand the biology of bone as it relates to enhancement protocols
  3. Learn how to design and manage flaps to achieve tension free closure of your surgical
  4. site
  5. Learn how to augment bone vertically as well as horizontally
  6. Gain insight in utilizing Titanium mesh and new bioactive modifiers to the healing sequence
  7. Learn the characteristics of the different bone graft materials available
  8. Learn alternatives to Bone Augmentation


Includes Lectures (Online and Offline) / Hands on / Live Surgical Demonstrations / Clinical cases


1 st End Semester Examination:

Formative Assessment: Participant has to complete all the online assessments at the end of each learning module in the ITI Platform.

Summative assessment: will be conducted through the ITI Learning Management platform in the form of Multiple Choice questions.

Must have placed a minimum of 5 Implants under the guidance of the faculty and restored them and 5 Implants placed and restored independently.

2 nd End Semester Examination

a. Theory examination (Essay and Short answers) -100 marks – 1 Day

Paper 1: Title: Implantology

Essay : 20 x 1 = 20 Short Answers: 10x8=80 Total = 100 marks

Syllabus for paper will include:

Basics science and applied anatomy

Diagnosis and treatment planning

Diagnosis and treatment planning

Surgical protocols of Implantology including healing

Prosthodontic protocols of Implantology

Post treatment management in Implantology

b. Practical Examination & Viva Voce – 200 Marks – 1 Day

Diagnosis and treatment planning for 1 complex case with records -75 Marks

Case presentations – 25 Marks

Viva voce- 80 Marks

Clinical Log-Book Evaluation – 20 Marks

EXAMINERS: Professors who are actively involved in post graduate training program are eligible to conduct examination from any of the below mentioned specialities:

1 Internal examiners :Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon/ Periodontist / Prosthodontist

1 External examiner: Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon/ Periodontist / Prosthodontist


  1. Schroeder Andre - Oral Implantology, published in 1996, 2 nd Edition
  2. Christoph T Sliwowski - Implantology step by step, published in 2015, 2 nd Edition
  3. Cranin A Nornan – Atlas of Oral Implantology, published in 1999, 2 nd Edition
  4. Ajay Vikram Singh - Clinical Implantology, published in 2013, 1 st EditionAjay Vikram Singh - Clinical Implantology, published in 2013, 1 st Edition
  5. Fedrico Hernandez Alfaro - Bone grafting in Oral Implantology, published in 2006, 1 st Edition
  6. Philippe B Tardieu- Art of Computer guided Implantology, published in 2001, 1 st Edition
  7. Louie Al Faraji- Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology – published in 2013, 1 st Edition
  8. Louie Al Faraji – Surgical complications in Oral Implantology Etiology prevention and Management, published in 2011, 1 st Edition


Brochure and University Certificate format

Fee Structure
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